Suggestions |
latex.math.preamble |
latex.pdf.preamble Up: Variables and Templates used in LaTeX Preamble Generation |
latex.hyperref.preamble — Manage the part of the preamble that handles the hyperref package.
<xsl:template name="latex.hyperref.preamble"/>
This template outputs the LaTeX code \usepackage[...]{hyperref} in order to use hyperlinks, backrefs and other goodies. If PDF support is activated, outputs laTeX code to detect whether the document is being compiled with pdflatex or latex to supply the right parameters (pdftex, dvips, etc). The package options should be optained from XSL variables.
Default Value with PDF support:
% -------------------------------------------- % Load hyperref package with pdf if needed % -------------------------------------------- \ifdblatexpdf \usepackage[pdftex,bookmarksnumbered,colorlinks,backref, bookmarks, breaklinks, linktocpage]{hyperref} \else \usepackage[bookmarksnumbered,colorlinks,backref, bookmarks, breaklinks, linktocpage]{hyperref} \fi % --------------------------------------------
Default Value without PDF support:
% -------------------------------------------- % Load hyperref package % -------------------------------------------- \usepackage[bookmarksnumbered,colorlinks,backref, bookmarks, breaklinks, linktocpage]{hyperref}