Suggestions |
latex.generate.indexterm |
latex.fancybox.options Up: Parameters: DB2LaTeX Switches param switch.mod.xsl | — Controls the output of LaTeX commands to support the generation of PDF files.
<xsl:param name="">1</xsl:param>
If this parameter is set to 1, the stylesheets generate code to detect if it is either latex or pdflatex the shell command that is being used to compile the LaTeX text file. Some packages (graphicx, hyperref) are used with the right parameters. Finally, the graphic extensions declared, to use in \includegraphics commands depends also on which command is being used. If this parameter is set to zero, such code is not generated (which does not mean that the file cannot compile with pdflatex, but some strange issues may appear). DEFAULT: 1 Only more code is generated.