
Installing the Stylesheets

Getting Started: Online Resources
Online DB2LaTeX documentation.
DB2LaTeX releases and development site (includes the official DB2LaTeX XSLT stylesheet distribution).
DB2LaTeX XSLT stylesheets online (latest snapshot).
Samples of DB2LaTeX output (PDF format).
DB2LaTeX XSLT template and parameter reference pages.|param|template)
Persistent hyperlink scheme for reference pages.
DB2LaTeX snapshot site (the non-release distribution of DB2LaTeX). binary-all/nightly/
An APT source for DB2LaTeX snapshots (uses the .dpkg format for Debian).

Introduction and Prerequisites

DB2LaTeX essentially consists of a set of XSL stylesheets (and some accompanying graphics that faciliate DocBook admonitions). These stylesheets can be used to translate DocBook XML documents into LaTeX documents. To produce final documents, you will also require access to a LaTeX typesetter.

[Note] XSLT Processor

You will need an XSLT processor. See our usage guide if you do not already have a processor.

DB2LaTeX is distributed with sample files that illustrate the use of DocBook, XSL and DB2LaTeX. Together, these form ‘end-user’ packages. They are available as compressed file archives or Linux packages. DB2LaTeX and its samples can also be obtained via CVS.

[Note] Distribution of Samples

The sample cases are large and are often distributed separately. This means that it is possible to download the stylesheets without having to wait for the samples to download. Sample PDFs can be viewed individually online.

It is recommended that you install local copies of the OASIS DocBook XML DTDs and the DocBook Open Repository Project XSL Stylesheets. If you use a package-managed operating system you will probably find that these are available in packages already. You should use an XMLcatalogue’ to make sure your XSLT processor uses your local DTDs (catalogues are described in the usage guide).

[Note] Note

You can use DB2LaTeX without a catalogue system, but processing will be slowed as your processor downloads DTDs and XSL stylesheets from the Internet.

DB2LaTeX Software Checklist

The following question-and-answer section indicates the different DB2LaTeX distributions and how to obtain them. Package maintainers may wish to look a ‘releases’ while active authors may prefer ‘snapshots’. End-user availability does not include certain development and administration files, whilst developer access does not include pre-built documentation.

Obtaining DB2LaTeX

1. End-user Releases and Pre-releases
1.1. Whence Can I Obtain End-user Release Archives?
1.2. Is There a Package I Can Use?
2. End-user Snapshots
2.1. Whence Can I Obtain End-user Snapshot Archives?
2.2. Is There a Package I Can Use?
3. Entire Access (Developer Access)
3.1. How Can I Start With the Latest Release?
3.2. How do I Use the Latest Patches?
3.3. What are the CVS Details?
4. Using .tar.gz Archives
4.1. How Can I Use The Downloaded .tar.gz Archives?

1. End-user Releases and Pre-releases

1.1. Whence Can I Obtain End-user Release Archives?
1.2. Is There a Package I Can Use?

End-user releases are designed for:

  • Users who wish to use a stable version of DB2LaTeX and do not have CVS.
  • Maintainers of distribution packages.

Whence Can I Obtain End-user Release Archives?

The official point of distribution is SourceForge. There, you can obtain releases (and pre-releases) in the .tar.gz archive format. After uncompressing and extracting the files from the archives, the stylesheets can be used as described below, in the usage guide.


Is There a Package I Can Use?

Unofficial Debian packages are available from the DB2LaTeX website at SourceForge. (These may differ substantially from any potential official packages.) Debian users can add an HTTP source to their /etc/apt/sources.list file:

deb binary-all/release/

Then, invoke apt-get update && apt-get install db2latex-xsl to install the stylesheets (samples are in db2latex-xsl-examples). You can use dpkg -L db2latex-xsl to find the location of the stylesheets on disk.

2. End-user Snapshots

2.1. Whence Can I Obtain End-user Snapshot Archives?
2.2. Is There a Package I Can Use?

Snapshots are generated automatically on days when DB2LaTeX development has occurred. These end-user snapshots are designed for:

  • Users who wish to use benefit from the latest DB2LaTeX features and corrections.

Whence Can I Obtain End-user Snapshot Archives?

Snapshot archives in the .tar.gz format can be obtained from the the snapshot site.


Is There a Package I Can Use?

Yes, Debian users can add an HTTP source to their /etc/apt/sources.list files:

deb binary-all/nightly/

Then, invoke apt-get update && apt-get install db2latex-xsl to install the stylesheets (samples are in db2latex-xsl-examples). You can use dpkg -L db2latex-xsl to find the location of the stylesheets on disk.

3. Entire Access (Developer Access)

3.1. How Can I Start With the Latest Release?
3.2. How do I Use the Latest Patches?
3.3. What are the CVS Details?

How Can I Start With the Latest Release?

You just need to checkout the latest “tagged” release from the CVS repository. In a UNIX or Cygwin environment with sh, cvs, and lynx installed, you may type:

$ lynx -source | sh

(This script simply invokes cvs with the right arguments.)

And that's all. The directory db2latex will be created, and can be used straight away. It is a ~10Mb download and includes pre-built sample cases. However, the website and reference files must be generated via the Makefiles. It is recommended that the DocBook XSL Stylesheets be installed locally.


How do I Use the Latest Patches?

You will need to move from the release tag to the head of the trunk:

$ cd db2latex
$ cvs -q update -dAP

What are the CVS Details?

If you wish to manually obtain DB2LaTeX (e.g. to obtain the “HEAD”):

$ cvs -z3 login
$ cvs -z3 co db2latex

4. Using .tar.gz Archives

4.1. How Can I Use The Downloaded .tar.gz Archives?

The .tar.gz format is common on POSIX-like systems (unlike Microsoft Windows or Apple Mac OS 9).


How Can I Use The Downloaded .tar.gz Archives?

Unpack, such as by using tar xvfz db2latex-x.y.z.tar.gz In doing so, the db2latex directory hierarchy is created.

For example:

$ cd /tmp
$ # download file from SourceForge
$ su
# cd /usr/final/destination
# umask 022
# tar xvfz /tmp/db2latex-x.y.z.tar.gz