literal (in latex.verbatim mode)
Reference Section

Cross References xref.mod.xsl

Ramon Casellas

James Devenish

$Id: xref.mod.xsl,v 1.42 2004/08/12 06:23:33 j-devenish Exp $

Revision History
Revision 1.12 May-January 2004  
Major review of documentation.

Portions (c) Norman Walsh, official DocBook XSL stylesheets. See

Table of Contents

anchor - Process anchor elements - Auxiliary named template
xref.xreflabel - Auxiliary named template
xref|link - Xref and Link XSL Template
generate.xref.text - Generate xref text
generate.hyperlink - Choose hyperlink syntax
insert.label.markup (in insert.label.markup mode) - Numbering template
title (in insert.label.markup mode) - Numbering template -- uses parent's @id
generate.title.markup (in insert.title.markup mode) - Format titles in xref text
title (in insert.title.markup mode) - Format titles in xref text
book (in insert.title.markup mode) - Format titles in xref text
ulink - A link that addresses its target by means of a URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
olink - OLink XSL template
generate.typeset.url - Typeset a URL using the url or href commands
generate.string.url - Escape and hyphenate a string as a teletype URL.