Suggestions |
scape verbatim |
scape Up: LaTeX Active character Escaping |
scape-indexterm — Escape characters for use with \index LaTeX command
In addition to the characters from scape, certain extra characters must be escaped so that LaTeX will not treat them as indexing directives.
<template name="scape-indexterm"> <map from="!" to=""!"/> <map from="|" to="\ensuremath{"|}"/> <map from="@" to=""@"/> <map from="<" to="\textless{}"/> <map from=">" to="\textgreater{}"/> <map from="~" to="\textasciitilde{}"/> <map from="^" to="\textasciicircum{}"/> <map from="&" to="\&"/> <map from="#" to="\#"/> <map from="_" to="\_"/> <map from="$" to="\$"/> <map from="%" to="\%"/> <map from="\}" to="\textbraceright{}"/> <map from="{" to="\textbraceleft{}"/> <map from="}" to="\}"/> <map from=""" to=""""/> <map from="\textbackslash " to="\textbackslash \ "/> <map from="\" to="\textbackslash "/> </template>