Suggestions |
Callouts callout.mod.xsl |
Free floating Headings bridgehead.mod.xsl |
bridgehead — Process bridgehead [2.0.9] elements
<xsl:template match="bridgehead" name="bridgehead"> <xsl:param name="renderas" select="@renderas"/> <xsl:param name="content"><xsl:apply-templates/></xsl:param> ... </xsl:template>
Free-floating headings for bridgeheads [2.0.9] elements. Renders un-numbered section headings.
The emulation of section headings is achieved through the normal LaTeX section commands such as \section, \subsection, and so forth. However, levels above three (3) will be typeset with the LaTeX \paragraph* command.
test_book.pdf from test_book/test.xml, test_subfig.pdf from test_subfig/test.xml, test_tables.pdf from test_tables/test.xml