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English (en) — Generic English-language phrases and symbols
If no localisations are available in another language, DB2LaTeX will use the English “localisations”.
<gentext key="blockquote" text=""/>
This exists merely to suppress warnings in the latex.mapping.xsl system.
<gentext key="nonexistantelement" text="non-existent element"/>
English spelling correction.
<gentext key="the section called" text="the section called"/>
The status of this key in unknown.
<dingbat key="startquote" text="{``}"/>
Standard English-language left “curly” quotes. Some authors may prefer to use single quotes.
<dingbat key="endquote" text="{''}"/>
Standard English-language right “curly” quotes. Some authors may prefer to use single quotes.
<dingbat key="nestedstartquote" text="{`}"/>
The same as singlestartquote. Some authors may prefer to use double quotes.
<dingbat key="nestedendquote" text="{'}"/>
The same as singleendquote. Some authors may prefer to use double quotes.
<dingbat key="singlestartquote" text="{`}"/>
Standard English-language left “curly” quote.
<dingbat key="singleendquote" text="{'}"/>
Standard English-language left “curly” quote or apostrophe.
<dingbat key="bullet" text="\textbullet{}"/>
This key is not used directly by DB2LaTeX and might no longer be necessary (such decorations are normally provided by LaTeX and the babel package).
<dingbat key="decimalpoint" text="."/>
This symbol is used in the typesetting of character-aligned tables. It is a character sequence, as occurring within DocBook source documents, at which alignment is to occur. The phrase “decimal point” is somewhat of a misnomer.
<dingbat key="latexdecimal" text="."/>
This symbol is used in the typesetting of character-aligned tables. It is a LaTeX sequence to which the decimalpoint sequence should be converted during typesetting. In most cases, this is the same as decimalpoint.
This is an experimental DB2LaTeX-specific context.
<template name="thead.continued"/>
Text to append to headers of tables longer than one page.
This is currently unused.
<template name="tfoot.continued"> \textit{(P.T.O.)}</template>
Text to append to headers of tables longer than one page.
This is a DB2LaTeX-specific context.
<template name="start"/>
Appears prior to inline lists. Examples include keyword lists and callout lists. Does not currently influence simplelist templates.
<template name="middle">, </template>
Appears between items in lists. Examples include keyword lists and callout lists. Does not currently influence simplelist templates.
<template name="lastoftwo"> and </template>
Appears between items in a list that contains two items. Examples include keyword lists and callout lists. Does not currently influence simplelist templates.
This is a DB2LaTeX-specific context.
See the naturalinlinelist template documentation.
This context is “inherited” from the upstream localisations.
<template name="appendix"><Appendix/> %n</template>
This template overrides the upstream style. It uses a LaTeX \ref instead of printing the title.